A. Karamitsos |
81 |
49'266 |
http://www.karamitsos.com/ |
A. Tkalec |
11 |
6'054 |
http://www.coinstkalec.ch/ |
Adolph E. Cahn |
64 |
19'640 |
Adolph Hess |
4 |
2'129 |
Agora Auctions |
111 |
38'560 |
http://agoraauctions.com/ |
Alde |
15 |
8'312 |
http://www.alde.fr/ |
Ancient and Medieval Coins Canada |
3 |
1'709 |
https://amcoinscanada.com/ |
Ancient Numismatics Auctions (formerly Aquila Numismatics) |
18 |
18'731 |
Antykwariat Michal Niemczyk |
47 |
85'275 |
http://www.aukcjamonet.pl/ |
Argenor Numismatique |
2 |
373 |
http://www.argenor.com/ |
Ars Classica |
4 |
5'535 |
Ars Time Company |
4 |
2'290 |
http://www.arstime.com/ |
Art-Rite |
5 |
1'260 |
ArtRarities |
2 |
724 |
http://www.artrarities.it/ |
Astarte |
13 |
5'945 |
http://www.astartesa.com/ |
Attica Auctions |
16 |
7'677 |
Auction House «Rare Coins» |
18 |
14'954 |
http://www.rarecoins.ru/ |
Auctiones AG |
1 |
1'013 |
Auctiones GmbH |
86 |
31'111 |
http://www.auctiones.ch |
Auktionen Meister & Sonntag |
19 |
32'846 |
http://www.ams-stuttgart.de/ |
Auktionen Münzhandlung Sonntag |
25 |
41'860 |
http://www.ams-stuttgart.de/ |
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner |
33 |
92'877 |
http://www.auktionen-gaertner.de/ |
Auktionshaus H. D. Rauch |
106 |
228'265 |
http://www.hdrauch.com/ |
Auktionshaus Rapp |
7 |
2'721 |
http://www.rapp-auktionen.com/ |
Aureo & Calicó |
195 |
250'995 |
http://www.aureo.com/ |
Baldwin's Auctions |
161 |
105'953 |
http://www.baldwin.co.uk/ |
Baldwin's of St. James's |
55 |
27'991 |
http://www.stjauctions.com/ |
Bertolami Fine Arts |
113 |
128'514 |
http://www.bertolamifinearts.com/ |
Biga Numismatics |
34 |
32'655 |
Bolaffi |
36 |
55'279 |
http://www.bolaffi.it/ |
Briggs & Bustos |
9 |
3'948 |
Brüder Egger |
14 |
4'873 |
Bruun Rasmussen |
137 |
61'431 |
http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk/ |
Bucephalus Numismatic |
39 |
49'701 |
Cambi & Crippa Numismatica |
8 |
7'074 |
https://www.cambiaste.com/ |
Cayón Subastas |
140 |
123'884 |
http://www.subastasnumismaticas.com/ |
CGB.fr |
194 |
154'048 |
http://www.cgbfr.com/ |
Chaponnière & Firmenich |
18 |
15'928 |
http://www.aaanumismatique.com/ |
Classical Numismatic Gallery |
26 |
16'096 |
http://www.classicalnumismaticgallery.com/ |
Classical Numismatic Group |
620 |
478'136 |
http://www.cngcoins.com/ |
Coins.ee |
22 |
55'219 |
CoinsNB |
35 |
43'021 |
https://coinsnb.com/ |
Concordia Numismatic |
26 |
29'678 |
https://www.concordianumismaticauctions.com/ |
Creusy Numismatique (formerly First-Auctions JMPG) |
8 |
2'927 |
Crippa Numismatica |
3 |
2'364 |
http://www.crippanumismatica.com/ |
Daniel Frank Sedwick |
24 |
43'060 |
http://www.sedwickcoins.com/ |
Davissons |
64 |
14'538 |
https://davcoin.com/ |
45 |
75'092 |
https://www.demos-auctions.com/ |
Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals |
1 |
345 |
http://www.vcoins.com/ancient/dmitrymarkov/ |
Dom Aukcyjny Numimarket.pl |
21 |
33'572 |
http://www.aukcje.numimarket.pl/ |
Downies |
9 |
29'865 |
http://www.downies.com/ |
Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger |
74 |
120'489 |
http://www.peus-muenzen.de/ |
Dr. Jacob Hirsch |
15 |
5'268 |
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auktionen |
42 |
60'559 |
http://www.reinhardfischerauktionen.de/ |
Dutch Numismatic Auction |
4 |
1'920 |
https://dutchnumismaticauction.com/ |
Editions V. Gadoury |
59 |
30'721 |
http://www.gadoury.com/ |
Eid Mar Auctions |
9 |
5'379 |
https://www.eidmarauctions.com/ |
Emporium Hamburg |
86 |
101'855 |
http://www.emporium-hamburg.com/ |
Frank Sternberg |
1 |
1'035 |
Freeman & Sear |
8 |
3'986 |
http://www.freemanandsear.com/ |
Fritz Rudolf Künker |
362 |
468'023 |
http://www.kuenker.de/ |
Frühwald |
87 |
161'053 |
http://www.auktionen-fruehwald.com/ |
Gabinet Numizmatyczny D. Marciniak |
26 |
109'863 |
Gemini |
14 |
9'429 |
http://www.geminiauction.com/ |
Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger |
136 |
121'922 |
http://www.coinhirsch.de/ |
GMA Numismatica |
7 |
6'363 |
https://www.gmanumismatica.com/ |
Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung |
161 |
180'454 |
http://www.gmcoinart.de/ |
Great Coins & Art Auctions |
5 |
1'803 |
http://greatcoinsauctions.com/ |
Haljak Coin Auction |
18 |
14'739 |
https://www.ghcoin.ee/ |
Harlan J. Berk |
33 |
16'878 |
https://www.hjbltd.com/ |
Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün |
43 |
122'347 |
http://www.hdmhg.de/ |
Helios Numismatik |
7 |
6'959 |
http://www.helios-numismatik.de/ |
Heritage Auctions |
1'640 |
1'014'342 |
http://coins.ha.com/ |
Heritage Europe (formerly MPO Auctions) |
28 |
194'788 |
http://www.mpo.nl/ |
Hess Divo |
63 |
42'330 |
http://www.hessdivo.com/ |
ibercoin |
100 |
109'545 |
http://www.ibercoin.com/ |
Inasta |
42 |
137'177 |
http://www.inasta.com/ |
International Coin Exchange |
15 |
5'753 |
http://auction-ice.com/ |
iNumis |
82 |
71'580 |
http://www.i-numis.com/ |
Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles |
50 |
49'657 |
http://www.goldbergcoins.com/ |
Istra Numizmatika |
7 |
12'328 |
Jean Elsen & ses Fils |
69 |
111'378 |
http://www.elsen.eu/ |
Jesús Vico |
66 |
74'476 |
http://www.jesusvico.com/ |
José A. Herrero |
11 |
14'314 |
http://www.numismaticaherrero.com/ |
Kairos |
6 |
3'967 |
KATZ Auction |
143 |
398'468 |
https://www.katzauction.com/ |
Kenneth W. Dorney |
12 |
3'368 |
http://www.coolcoins.com/ |
Kölner Münzkabinett Tyll Kroha Nachfolger |
31 |
32'725 |
http://www.koelner-muenzkabinett.de/ |
Leipziger Münzhandlung und Auktion Heidrun Höhn |
63 |
137'584 |
http://www.numismatik-online.de |
Leu Numismatik |
48 |
107'521 |
https://www.leunumismatik.com/ |
Leu Numismatik (1991-2007) |
7 |
3'941 |
http://www.lhs-numismatik.com/ |
LHS Numismatik |
5 |
3'644 |
http://www.lhs-numismatik.com/ |
London Ancient Coins |
101 |
46'209 |
http://www.lacoins.co.uk/ |
London Coin Galleries |
4 |
4'157 |
https://lcgcoins.com/ |
London Coins |
44 |
128'321 |
http://www.londoncoins.co.uk/ |
Lugdunum |
11 |
4'746 |
Macho & Chlapovič |
45 |
39'221 |
http://www.machochlapovic.com/ |
Maison Palombo |
22 |
18'395 |
http://www.maison-palombo.com/ |
Marudhar Arts |
40 |
25'403 |
https://www.marudhararts.com/ |
MDC Monaco |
27 |
36'456 |
https://mdc.mc/en/ |
Monedalia |
12 |
9'421 |
Monnaies d’Antan |
31 |
48'511 |
http://www.monnaiesdantan.com/ |
Münz Zentrum Rheinland |
30 |
94'462 |
http://www.muenzzentrum.de/ |
Münzen & Medaillen AG Basel |
4 |
997 |
Münzen & Medaillen GmbH (DE) |
48 |
49'478 |
http://www.muenzenundmedaillendeutschland.de/ |
Münzenhandlung Harald Möller |
25 |
42'088 |
http://www.muenzen-moeller.de/ |
Münzhandlung Basel |
8 |
5'680 |
Myntkompaniet/AB Philea |
26 |
26'038 |
http://www.myntkompaniet.se/ |
60 |
47'863 |
Naville & Cie |
12 |
17'454 |
Noble Numismatics |
21 |
84'358 |
https://www.noble.com.au/ |
Nomos |
70 |
45'145 |
http://www.nomosag.com/ |
Nudelman Numismatica |
13 |
10'285 |
http://numismatica.hu/ |
NUMIS Klitończyk (formerly NumisPoland) |
17 |
12'531 |
https://www.numispoland.pl/ |
Numis.be |
3 |
9'478 |
http://www.numis.be/ |
Numisart |
7 |
2'285 |
http://www.numisart.at/ |
Numisma |
53 |
31'707 |
http://www.numismaonline.com/ |
Numismad |
21 |
36'265 |
Numismatica Ars Classica |
135 |
79'965 |
http://www.arsclassicacoins.com/ |
Numismatica Genevensis |
15 |
8'158 |
http://ngsa.ch/ |
Numismática Leilões |
95 |
82'121 |
https://www.numismaticaleiloes.pt/ |
Numismatica Ranieri |
37 |
38'330 |
http://www.numismaticaranieri.it/ |
Numismatica Varesi |
43 |
39'090 |
http://www.varesi.it/ |
Numismatik Lanz München |
60 |
56'823 |
http://www.numislanz.de/ |
Numismatik Naumann (formerly Gitbud & Naumann) |
146 |
165'409 |
http://www.numismatik-naumann.at/ |
Numismatik Zöttl |
34 |
35'571 |
http://www.numismatik-zoettl.at/ |
Numisor |
27 |
23'424 |
http://www.numisor.ch/ |
Olivier Goujon Numismatique |
13 |
2'863 |
https://www.ognumis.fr/ |
Olympus Numismatik |
20 |
23'206 |
Paoletti (formerly Paoletti & Bernardi) |
3 |
1'244 |
Papillon Numismatic |
8 |
5'997 |
Paul-Francis Jacquier |
17 |
16'086 |
http://www.coinsjacquier.com/ |
Pegasi Numismatics |
28 |
23'372 |
Pegasus Auctions |
9 |
5'864 |
http://www.pegasusauctions.com/ |
Pesek Auctions |
21 |
30'976 |
Portuscalle Numismatica |
18 |
10'499 |
https://en.portuscalle-numismatica.com/ |
Poznański Dom Aukcyjny |
7 |
9'377 |
Provenance Auctions |
4 |
1'950 |
Rex Numismatics |
19 |
20'589 |
https://www.rexnumis.com/ |
Roma Numismatics Limited |
164 |
207'878 |
http://www.romanumismatics.com/ |
Rönesans Salzgitter |
19 |
16'676 |
https://www.rönesanscoins.de/ |
Saint Paul Antiques |
19 |
13'970 |
Salon Numizmatyczny Mateusz Wójcicki |
31 |
80'210 |
http://snmw.pl/ |
Savoca Numismatics London |
14 |
16'085 |
http://www.savoca-coins.com/ |
Savoca Numismatik |
259 |
331'892 |
http://www.savoca-coins.com/ |
Sincona |
97 |
113'548 |
http://www.sincona.com/ |
Sol Numismatik |
41 |
35'275 |
Soler y Llach (formerly Martí Hervera & Soler y Llach) |
78 |
254'565 |
https://www.soleryllach.com/ |
Solidus Numismatik |
139 |
83'109 |
Sovereign Rarities |
16 |
5'157 |
https://www.sovr.co.uk/ |
Spink |
304 |
173'900 |
http://www.spink.com/ |
Spink USA |
38 |
22'941 |
https://www.spink.com/ |
St. James Auctions Ltd |
98 |
45'954 |
http://www.stjauctions.com/ |
Stack's |
20 |
21'832 |
http://www.stacks.com/ |
Stack's Bowers Galleries |
279 |
530'069 |
http://www.stacksbowers.com/ |
Status International |
7 |
31'168 |
http://statusint.com/ |
Stephen Album Rare Coins |
72 |
149'723 |
http://www.stevealbum.com/ |
Taisei |
25 |
23'146 |
Tauler & Fau Subastas |
156 |
105'954 |
https://www.tauleryfau.com/ |
Teutoburger Münzauktion |
113 |
254'574 |
http://teutoburger-muenzauktion.de/ |
The Bru Sale |
5 |
1'334 |
http://www.thebrusale.com/ |
The Coin Cabinet |
141 |
38'028 |
http://thecoincabinet.co.uk/ |
The New York Sale |
53 |
25'426 |
http://www.thenewyorksale.com/ |
Themis Numismatics |
9 |
5'625 |
TimeLine Auctions |
18 |
59'586 |
http://www.timelineauctions.com/ |
Todywalla Auctions |
70 |
32'683 |
http://www.todywallaauctions.com/ |
Triskeles Auctions |
16 |
11'998 |
http://www.triskeles-auctions.com/ |
UBS Gold & Numismatics |
22 |
10'820 |
http://www.ubs.com/ |
VAuctions |
60 |
9'067 |
http://www.vauctions.com/ |
Veilinghuis de Ruiter |
16 |
25'026 |
https://www.veilinghuisderuiter.nl/ |
Veilinghuis Eeckhout bvba |
5 |
8'442 |
http://www.veilinghuiseeckhout.be/ |
Via GmbH |
25 |
22'939 |
VL Nummus |
27 |
51'564 |
http://www.vl-nummus.com/ |
Warszawskie Centrum Numizmatyczne |
38 |
29'481 |
http://wcn.pl/ |