Добро пожаловать на acsearch.info — аукционный архив с миллионами монет, банкнот и предметов старины.

acsearch.info содержит информацию о 14'205'040 лотах с 13'666 аукционов, проводимых 426 различными аукционными домами, и был посещён вчера 434'352 раз.


New design

11.03.2018, 16:53

The latest update of acsearch.info brings a completely new design - simple and clear as usual. Structure and functionality of the search have been retained as much as possible in order to make the change quick and easy for our users. Should you encounter any errors or bugs, please contact us.

With the new design, we also lay the cornerstone for our new image search, which is now available to individual users in a first beta version. If you are interested in testing the image search and giving us your feedback, please contact us as well.