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Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 1 The Roman Republic No.: 1 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 26000 d=16 mm Anonymous. Half-Stater circa 216 BC, 3.89 g. Laureate Janiform head of the Dioscuri. Rev. Oath taking scene with two warriors, one Roman and the other one representing the Italian allies, standing facing each other, holding spears and touching with their swords a pig...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 2 The Roman Republic No.: 2 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 2500 d=16 mm Anonymous. 60 Asses after 211, 3.32 g. Bearded and draped head of Mars r., wearing Corinthian helmet; in field l., mark of value, ¯X. Rev. Eagle standing r., with spread wings, on thunderbolt. Below, ROMA. Crawford 44/3. Syd. 226. Bahrfeldt 4a.30 and pl. I, 25 (this...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 4 The Roman Republic No.: 4 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 24000 d=21 mm Julius Caesar. Aureus, mint moving with Caesar in the East circa 48-47 BC, 8.13 g. CAESAR – DICT Axe and culullus. Rev. ITER Jug and lituus. The whole within laurel wreath. Crawford 456/1a. Syd. 1027. C 21. B. Julia 15. Calicó 43 (this coin). Sear Imperators 1...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 5 The Roman Republic No.: 5 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 4000 d=20 mm L. Cestius and C. Norbanus. Aureus circa 43 BC, 8.04 g. Draped bust of Africa r., wearing elephant-skin headdress. Rev. L·CESTIVS / S C – PR Curule chair with legs decorated with eagles, on top, Corinthian helmet; in exergue, C·NORBA. Cr. 491/1a. Syd. 1153. B. Cesti...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 6 The Roman Republic No.: 6 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 32000 d=22 mm Octavian with L. Livineius Regulus. Aureus circa 42 BC, 8.07 g. C·CAESAR – III·VIR R·P.C Bare head r. Rev. L·REGVLVS – III·VIR·A·P·F Aeneas r., carrying Anchises on l. shoulder. Crawford 494/3a. Syd. 1104. B. Livineia 5 and Julia 83. C 444. Calicó 135 (this co...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 7 The Roman Republic No.: 7 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 25000 d=22 mm Octavian with L. Mussidius T.F. Longus. Aureus circa 42 BC, 8.01 g. C·CAESAR·III·VIR·R·P·C Bare head r. Rev. L·MVSSIDIVS·T·F·LONGVS·IIII·VIR·A·P·F· Mars, wearing Corinthian helmet, standing r., holding sword in l. hand and spear in r. and resting l. foot on shield....
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 8 The Roman Republic No.: 8 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 26000 d=20 mm P. Clodius. Aureus circa 42 BC, 8.14 g. Laureate head of Apollo r.; in field l., lyre. Rev. P·CLODIVS – M·F Diana standing facing, with bow and quiver over shoulder, holding lighted torch in each hand. Crawford 494/22. Syd. 1116. B. Clodia 14. Calicó 6a (this coi...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 9 The Roman Republic No.: 9 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 30000 d=22 mm C. Vibius Varus. Aureus circa 42 BC, 7.95 g. Bust of Roma l., wearing helmet with a plume on each side, holding spear in r. hand and shield in l. over shoulder. Rev. C·VIBIVS – VARVS Winged Nemesis standing r., raising fold of dress with r. hand. Crawford 494/35. ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 10 The Roman Republic No.: 10 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 15000 d=21 mm C. Cassius Longinus. Aureus, mint-moving with Brutus and Cassius circa 43-42 BC, 8.28 g. C·CASSI·IMP Laureate head of Libertas r. Rev. M SERVILIVS – LEG Aplustre with each branch ending in a flower. Crawford 505/1. Syd. 1311. B. Cassia 20. C 8. Calicó 67. Vagi...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 11 The Roman Empire Augustus, 27 BC – 14 AD No.: 11 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 28000 d=21 mm L. Aquillius Florus. Aureus circa 19 BC, 8.08 g. CAESAR – AVGVSTVS Head r., wearing oak-wreath. Rev. L·AQVILLIVS FLORVS ·III·VIR· Open flower of six petals. Bahrfeldt 172. Calicó 125 (this coin). B. Aquilia 3. BMC 45. C 363. CBN 110. ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 12 The Roman Empire Augustus, 27 BC – 14 AD No.: 12 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 18000 d=20 mm P. Petronius Turpilianus. Aureus circa 19 BC, 8.04 g. TVRPILIANVS – III·VIR Ivy-wreathed head of Liber r. Rev. AVGVSTO / OB·C·S within oak-wreath. Bahrfeldt 177. Calicó 143 (this coin). B. Petronia 1 and Julia 207. BMC 5. C 476. CBN 1...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 13 The Roman Empire Augustus, 27 BC – 14 AD No.: 13 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 24000 d=22 mm M. Durmius. Aureus circa 19 BC, 8.22 g. CAESAR – AVGVSTVS Oak-wreathed head r. Rev. M·DVRMIVS / III VIR Crab holding butterfly. B. Damnski, SNR 76, 1997, Virgil’s Siren on Coins of 19 BC, 10 and pl. 12, 10 (this coin). Bahrfeldt 174. Calic...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 14 The Roman Empire Augustus, 27 BC – 14 AD No.: 14 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 50000 d=21 mm C. Antistius Vetus. Aureus circa 16 BC, 8.18 g. C ANTISTI VETVS – III VIR Bust of Victory r. Rev. PRO VALETVDINE – CAESARIS Veiled priest standing l., holding patera over lighted and garlanded altar, to which victimarius, holding knife in ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 15 The Roman Empire Augustus, 27 BC – 14 AD No.: 15 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 12000 d=23 mm C. Antestius Reginus. Aureus circa 13 BC, 7.88 g. CAESAR – AVGVTVS Oak-wreathed head r. Rev. C·ANTIST·REGIN GABINVS FOE / DVS Two veiled priests standing facing each other, holding pig over lighted and garlanded altar. In exergue, P R QVM....
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 16 The Roman Empire Augustus, 27 BC – 14 AD No.: 16 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 9000 d=19 mm Aureus, Lugdunum 15-13 BC, 7.97 g. AVGVSTVS – DIVI·F Bare head r. Rev. Bull butting r.; in exergue, IMP·X. Bahrfeldt 201. BMC 450. C 136. CBN 1372. RIC 166a. Vagi 262. Calicó 212. Well-struck in high relief and extremely fine Ex Ro...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 17 The Roman Empire Tiberius, 14 – 37 No.: 17 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 6000 d=20 mm Aureus, Lugdunum 14-37, 7.72 g. TI CAESAR DIVI – AVG F AVGVSTVS Laureate head r. Rev. PONTIF – MAXIM Pax-Livia figure seated r., holding vertical sceptre and branch. RIC 27. BMC 39. C 15. CBN 19. Vagi 437. Calicó 305. An almost invisible m...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 18 The Roman Empire In the name of Nero Claudius Drusus, father of Claudius No.: 18 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 14000 d=20 mm Aureus circa 41-45, 7.71 g. NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP Laureate head l. Rev. DE – GE – R – MA – NIS Vexillum between two oblong shields crossed, and two pair of spears and two trumpets crossed. RIC ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 19 The Roman Empire In the name of Nero Claudius Drusus, father of Claudius No.: 19 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 7500 d=20 mm Aureus circa 41-45, 7.85 g. NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP Laureate head l. Rev. Triumphal arch surmounted by equestrian statue between two trophies, DE GERMANIS on architrave. RIC Claudius 71. BMC Claudi...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 20 The Roman Empire Gaius called Caligula, 37 – 41 No.: 20 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 14000 d=19 mm Aureus. Lugdunum circa 37, 7.80 g. C CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR POT COS Bare head of Gaius r. Rev. Radiate head of Tiberius (or Augustus) r. between two stars. RIC 1. BMC 1. C 10. CBN 1. Vagi 309. Calicó 336.Very rare. A minor scuff...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 21 The Roman Empire Claudius, 41 – 54 No.: 21 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 7500 d=19 mm Aureus circa 41-42, 7.78 g. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG P M TR P Laureate head r. Rev. EX / S C / OB / CIVES / SERVATOS within oak wreath. RIC 5. BMC 3. C 34. CBN –. Vagi 581. Calicó 357. Good very fine
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 22 The Roman Empire Claudius, 41 – 54 No.: 22 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 14000 d=20 mm Aureus circa 46-47, 7.69 g. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG P M TR P VI IMP XI Laureate head r. Rev. PACI – AVGVSTAE Pax-Nemesis advancing r., holding caduceus in l. hand pointing at snake and raising fold of drapery below chin. RIC 38. BMC 39. CBN 49. C...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 23 The Roman Empire Claudius, 41 – 54 No.: 23 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 12000 d=20 mm Aureus circa 50-54, 7.74 g. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM P M TRIB POT P P Laureate head of Claudius r. Rev. AGRIPPINAE – AVGVSTAE Draped bust of Agrippina r., wearing crown of corn-ears. RIC 80. BMC 72. C 3. CBN 78. Vagi 655. Calicó 396c. Rar...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 24 The Roman Empire Claudius, 41 – 54 No.: 24 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 10000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 50-54, 7.74 g. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM P M TRIB POT P P Laureate head of Claudius r. Rev. NERO CLAVD CAES DRVSVS GERM PRINC IVVENTVTIS Bare-headed and draped bust of Nero l. RIC 82. BMC 79. C 4. CBN 85. Calicó 391. Very rare....
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 25 The Roman Empire Claudius, 41 – 54 No.: 25 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 12000 d=20 mm Divus Claudius. Aureus October-December 54, 7.70 g. DIVVS CLAVDIVS AVGVSTVS Laureate head l. Rev. Ornamental slow quadriga r., surmounted by four miniature horses flanked by Victories on either side. In exergue, EX S C. RIC Nero 4. BMC Nero 4. ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 26 The Roman Empire Nero Caesar, 50 – 54 No.: 26 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 9000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 50-54, 7.65 g. NERO CLAVD CAESAR DRVSVS GERM PRINC IVVENT Bare-headed and draped bust of Nero l. Rev. SACERD COOPT IN OMN CONL SVPRA NVM EX S C Simpulum on r. and littus on l., above respectively tripod and patera. RIC Claudius 76...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 27 The Roman Empire Nero Augustus, 54 – 68 No.: 27 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 20000 d=20 mm Aureus October-December 54, 7.56 g. AGRIPP AVG DIVI CLAVD NERONIS CAES MATER Confronted busts of Nero, bare-headed r., and Agrippina Minor, draped l. Rev. NERONI CLAVD DIVI F CAES AVG GERM IMP TR P around oak wreath, enclosing EX S C. Kent-H...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 28 The Roman Empire Nero Augustus, 54 – 68 No.: 28 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 5000 d=20 mm Aureus circa 60-61, 7.74 g. NERO CAESAR AVG IMP Bare head r. Rev. PONTIF MAX TR P VII COS IIII P P around oak wreath enclosing EX S C. RIC 21. BMC 23. C 215. CBN 28. Vagi 684. Calicó 427. About extremely fine Ex Leu sale 61, 1995, 242.
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 29 The Roman Empire Nero Augustus, 54 – 68 No.: 29 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 7500 d=19 mm Aureus circa 65-66, 7.35 g. NERO CAESAR – AVGVSTVS Laureate head r. Rev. Salus seated on throne l., holding patera in l. hand; in exergue, SALVS. RIC 59. BMC 87. C 313. CBN 225. Calicó 443. Reddish Boscoreale tone and extremely fine
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 30 The Roman Empire Galba, 68 – 69 No.: 30 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 22000 d=20 mm Aureus July 68-January 69, 7.35 g. IMP SER GALBA CAESAR AVG P M Laureate head r. Rev. HISPA – NIA Hispania advancing l., holding poppy and corn-ears in r. hand and round shield and two transverse spears in l. RIC 225. BMC 14. C 84. CBN –. Calicó...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 31 The Roman Empire Vespasian, 69 – 79 No.: 31 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 6500 d=20 mm Aureus circa 69-70, 7.28 g. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Laureate head r. Rev. COS ITER – TR POT Pax seated l., holding branch and caduceus. RIC 10. BMC 23. C –. CBN 17. Calicó 607. Wonderful reddish tone and extremely fine / about extremel...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 32 The Roman Empire Vespasian, 69 – 79 No.: 32 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 5500 d=21 mm Aureus circa 75, 7.31 g. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Laureate head r. Rev. Bull butting r.; in exergue, COS VI. RIC 87. BMC 160. C 112 var. CBN 137. Calicó 620. About extremely fine / good very fine Ex Hirsch XXIX, 1910, 948; Hess-Leu 1969,...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 33 The Roman Empire Titus Caesar, 69 – 79 No.: 33 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 4500 d=23 mm Aureus circa 74, 7.29 g. T CAESAR IMP – VESP CEN Laureate head r. Rev. PAX – AVG Pax standing l., leaning on cippus, holding branch in extended r. hand over lighted tripod and winged caduceus in l. RIC Vespasian 168a. BMC Vespasian 110. C 1...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 34 The Roman Empire Domitian Caesar, 72 – 79 No.: 34 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 6000 d=20 mm Aureus circa 79, 7.09 g. CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS VI Laureate head r. Rev. PRINCEPS – IVVENTVTIS Two clasped hands holding eagle on prow. RIC Vespasian 246. BMC Vespasian 267. C 392. CBN Vespasian 239. Vagi 1065. Calicó 916 (this c...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 35 The Roman Empire Domitian Augustus, 81 – 96 No.: 35 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 5000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 81-83, 7.69 g. IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG P M Laureate head r. Rev. IVPPITER CONSERVATOR Eagle standing facing on thunderbolt. RIC 40. BMC 51. C 319. CBN 50. Calicó 895. About extremely fine
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 36 The Roman Empire Nerva, 96 – 98 No.: 36 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 20000 d=19 mm Aureus circa 97, 7.39 g. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P Laureate head r. Rev. CONCORDIA EXERCITVM Clasped hands. RIC 14. BMC –, note p. 4, 25. C 19. CBN 14. Vagi 1211. Calicó 955. Rare and in exceptional condition for this issue. A ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 37 The Roman Empire Nerva, 96 – 98 No.: 37 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 10000 d=19 mm Aureus circa 97, 7.52 g. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P Laureate head r. Rev. FORTVNA AVGVST Fortuna standing l., holding rudder and cornucopiae. RIC 16. BMC 36. C 65. CBN -. Vagi 1211. Calicó 964.Rare. About extremely fine / good ver...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 38 The Roman Empire Trajan, 98 – 117 No.: 38 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 7000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 112-117, 7.34 g. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. CONSERVATORI PATRIS PATRIAE Jupiter standing l., holding thunderbolt in r. hand and sceptre in l., protecting Trajan who stands l....
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 39 The Roman Empire Hadrian Augustus, 119-138 No.: 39 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 7000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 119-122, 7.29 g. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. P M TR P COS III Hercules seated facing on shield and cuirass, holding club and distaff. RIC 55. BMC 97. C 1082. Vagi 1349. Cali...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 40 The Roman Empire Hadrian Augustus, 119-138 No.: 40 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 4000 d=20 mm Aureus circa 125-128, 7.29 g. HADRIANVS – AVGVSTVS Laureate head r. with drapery on l. shoulder. Rev. COS – III Sol in quadriga l. RIC 168. BMC 378. C 292. Calicó 1209. Traces of mounting, otherwise good very fine
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 41 The Roman Empire Hadrian Augustus, 119-138 No.: 41 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 10000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 125-128, 7.36 g. HADRIANVS – AVGVSTVS Laureate head r. Rev. COS – III She-wolf suckling twins r. RIC 192d. BMC 444. C 420. Calicó1231. Well struck on a full flan and extremely fine
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 42 The Roman Empire Hadrian Augustus, 119-138 No.: 42 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 6500 d=22 mm Aureus circa 134-138, 7.24 g. HADRIANVS – AVGVSTVS P P Laureate and draped bust r. Rev. COS – III Hadrian on horse pacing r., raising r. hand. RIC 348e. BMC 503. C 410. Calicó 1221. Almost invisible mark on the reverse below the exe...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 43 The Roman Empire Hadrian Augustus, 119-138 No.: 43 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 7500 d=19 mm Aureus circa 134-138, 7.28 g. HADRIANVS – AVG COS III P P Bare head r. Rev. G – EN – I – O P R Genius standing l., holding cornucopiae in l. hand and sacrificing out of patera over altar. RIC 249. BMC 656. C 800. Calicó 1269. A bold ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 44 The Roman Empire Hadrian Augustus, 119-138 No.: 44 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 6000 d=15 mm Quinarius circa 134-138, 3.65 g. HADRIANVS – AVG COS III P P Bare-headed and draped bust r. Rev. VICTORIA AVG Victoria standing l., holding wreath and palm. RIC 285. BMC 770. C 1458. Extremely rare. Good very fine Ex Sternberg sale ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 45 The Roman Empire Sabina, wife of Hadrian No.: 45 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 15000 d=19 mm Aureus circa 129, 7.32 g. SABINA – AVGVSTA Draped bust r., hair in stephane and in long tail at back. Rev. VES – TA Vesta seated l., holding palladium and sceptre. RIC 397a. BMC 950. C 78 var. (no draped). Calicó 1436.Rare. Well struck i...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 46 The Roman Empire Sabina, wife of Hadrian No.: 46 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 12000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 129, 7.41 g. SABINA AVGVSTA – HADRIANI AVG P P Diademed and draped bust l., hair coiled and piled on back of head. Rev. Vesta seated l., holding palladium and sceptre. RIC 413b. BMC 927 and pl. 65, 9 (these dies). C 86 var. (...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 47 The Roman Empire Aelius Caesar, 136 – 138 No.: 47 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 16000 d=20 mm Aureus circa 137, 7.48 g. L·AELIVS – CAESAR Bare head l. Rev. TRIB POT COS II Concordia seated l., holding patera in extended r. hand and resting l. elbow on cornucopiae; in exergue, CONCORDIA. RIC Hadrian 443. BMC Hadrian 999 and pl. 67...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 48 The Roman Empire Antoninus Pius Caesar, 138 No.: 48 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 9000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 138, 7.38 g. IMP T AEL CAES – ANTONINVS Bare head r. Rev. TRIB – POT – COS / PIE – TAS Pietas, veiled, standing r., holding box of incense and raising r. hand; in field r., altar. Kent-Hirmer pl. 87, 302 (these dies). RIC ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 49 The Roman Empire Antoninus Pius Augustus, 138-161 No.: 49 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 6500 d=21 mm Aureus circa 145-161, 7.42 g. ANTONINVS – AVG PIVS P P Bare head r. Rev. TR POT – COS IIII Roma seated l., holding palladium and spear; at side, shield. RIC 147a. BMC 554. C 935. Calicó 1653 (this coin).A superb portrait perfectl...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 50 The Roman Empire Antoninus Pius Augustus, 138-161 No.: 50 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 3500 d=15 mm Quinarius circa 151-152, 3.73 g. ANTONINVS – AVG PIVS P P TR P XV Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. CO – S III Victoria advancing l., holding wreath and palm. RIC 205a. BMC –, p. 111, note *. C 260. Vagi 1438.Rare. ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 51 The Roman Empire Antoninus Pius Augustus, 138-161 No.: 51 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 5500 d=22 mm Aureus circa 159-160, 7.26 g. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXIII Laureate head r. Rev. PIETATI – AVG COS IIII Pietas standing l. between two children, holding globe and child. RIC 302a. BMC 984. C 622. Calicó 1602.Well struck on ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 52 The Roman Empire Diva Faustina, wife of Antoninus Pius No.: 52 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 7500 d=21 mm Aureus after 141, 7.25 g. DIVA – FAVSTINA Draped bust r. Rev. AETE – R – NITAS Fortuna standing l., holding globe in r. hand and rudder in l. RIC A. Pius 349a. BMC A. Pius 368. C 2. Calicó 1743. Brilliant Fdc
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 53 The Roman Empire Diva Faustina, wife of Antoninus Pius No.: 53 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 4500 d=19 mm Aureus after 141, 7.26 g. DIVA – FAVSTINA Draped bust r. Rev. AV – G – V – STA Ceres standing facing, holding lighted torch in each hand. RIC A. Pius 357a. BMC A. Pius 403. C 75. About extremely fine
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 54 The Roman Empire Marcus Aurelius Augustus, 161 – 180 No.: 54 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 7000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 166-167, 7.27 g. M ANTONINVS AVG – ARM PARTH MAX Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. TR P XXI IMP IIII COS III Victoria advancing l., holding wreath and palm. RIC 174. BMC 444. C 883. Calicó 1995.Extremel...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 55 The Roman Empire Marcus Aurelius Augustus, 161 – 180 No.: 55 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 7500 d=22 mm Aureus circa 179-180, 7.27 g. M AVREL ANTO – NINVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. TR P XXX – IIII – IMP X – COS III P P Fides Militum standing l., holding Victory in r. hand and standard in l. RIC 410. BMC 804. ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 56 The Roman Empire Faustina II, wife of Marcus Aurelius No.: 56 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 9000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 145-161, 7.13 g. FAVSTINA F AVG – PII AVG FIL Draped bust r. Rev. VENERI GE – NETRICI Venus standing l., holding sceptre in l. hand and extending r. Kent-Hirmer pl. 94, 327 (this obverse die). RIC –. BMC A. Pius ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 57 The Roman Empire Faustina II, wife of Marcus Aurelius No.: 57 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 5500 d=20 mm Aureus circa 145-161, 7.32 g. FAVSTINA – AVG P II AVG FIL Draped bust r., with band of pearls round head. Rev. VE – NVS Venus standing l., holding apple in r. hand and rudder in l. RIC A. Pius 515a. BMC A. Pius 1063. C 260. ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 58 The Roman Empire Faustina II, wife of Marcus Aurelius No.: 58 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 4000 d=20 mm Aureus circa 161-176, 7.33 g. FAVSTINA – AVGVSTA Draped bust r. Rev. SALVTI AVGVSTAE Salus seated l., feeding snake twined round altar. RIC M. Aurelius 716. BMC M. Aurelius 151. C 198. Calicó 2073.A few abrasions on edge, ot...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 59 The Roman Empire Lucius Verus, 161-169 No.: 59 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 10000 d=20 mm Aureus circa 163-164, 7.31 g. L VERVS AVG – ARMENIACVS Bare head r. Rev. TR P IIII IMP II COS II Victoria standing r., placing on a palm tree shield inscribed VIC / AVG. RIC 522. BMC 294. C 248. Calicó 2174.Virtually as struck and almost Fdc
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 60 The Roman Empire Lucilla, wife of Lucius Verus No.: 60 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 9500 d=21 mm Aureus circa 166-169, 7.30 g. LVCILLA – AVGVSTA Draped bust r. Rev. PVDI – CITIA Pudicitia, veiled, standing l. RIC M. Aurelius 779. BMC L. Verus 347. C 59. Calicó 2216. A portrait of exquisite style. Good extremely fine Ex Stac...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 61 The Roman Empire Lucilla, wife of Lucius Verus No.: 61 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 9000 d=22 mm Aureus circa 166-169, 7.23 g. LVCILLA – AVGVSTA Draped bust r. Rev. CONCORDIA Concordia seated l., holding patera in r. hand and leaning l. elbow on statue of Spes; under throne, cornucopiae. RIC M. Aurelius 755. BMC L. Verus 332. C...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 62 The Roman Empire Commodus Augustus, 177-193 No.: 62 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 12000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 178, 7.29 g. L AVREL COM – MODVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. TR P IM – P II COS P P Castor standing l., holding horse by bridle in r. hand and spear in l. hand. RIC M. Aurelius 648. BMC 175. C 760. Ca...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 63 The Roman Empire Commodus Augustus, 177-193 No.: 63 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 12500 d=22 mm Aureus circa 184, 7.30 g. M COMM ANTON – AVG PIVS BRIT Laureate and draped bust r. Rev. VOT SVSC DEC P M TR P VIIII IMP VII Commodus, veiled, standing l., sacrificing over tripod. In exergue, COS IIII P P. RIC 99b. BMC –, cf. 150 note...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 64 The Roman Empire Crispina, wife of Commodus No.: 64 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 12000 d=22 mm Aureus circa 180-182, 7.26 g. CRISPINA AVGVSTA Draped bust r., hair in coil at back. Rev. VENVS FELIX Venus seated l., holding Victory and sceptre; below seat, dove standing l. RIC Commodus 287. BMC 48. C 39. Vagi 1646. Calicó 2377.R...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 65 The Roman Empire Pertinax, 1st January – 28th March 193 No.: 65 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 18000 d=21 mm Aureus 193, 7.25 g. IMP CAES P HELV – PERTIN AVG Laureate head r. Rev. AEQVIT AVG TR P COS II Aequitas standing l., holding scales and cornucopiae. RIC 1a. BMC 14. C 1. Calicó 2379. Rare. An excellent portrait well str...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 66 The Roman Empire Pertinax, 1st January – 28th March 193 No.: 66 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 6000 d=20 mm Divus Pertinax. Aureus after 193, 7.14 g. DIVVS PERT – PIVS PATER Bare head r. Rev. CONS – ECRATIO Funeral pyre. RIC S. Severus 24b. BMC –. C 11. Calicó 2382. Of the highest rarity, only two specimens known. Traces of ed...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 67 The Roman Empire Manlia Scantilla, wife of Didius Julianus No.: 67 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 55000 d=21 mm Aureus March-June 193, 6.66 g. MANL SCAN – TILLA AVG Stolate bust r., hair dressed in two flowing waves and caught up behind in loose chignon. Rev. IVNO·RE – GINA Juno, draped and veiled, standing l., holding patera and sce...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 68 The Roman Empire Septimius Severus, 193 – 211 No.: 68 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 6500 d=23 mm Aureus circa 202-210, 7.29 g. SEVERVS – PIVS AVG Laureate head r. Rev. VICTORIAE Victoria, holding whip, in fast quadriga r. In exergue, AVGG. RIC 299. BMC 369. C 712. Calicó 2559. One scuff at eight o’clock, one abrasion at ten o...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 69 The Roman Empire Septimius Severus, 193 – 211 No.: 69 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 80000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 206, 7.17 g. SEVERVS – PIVS AVG Laureate head r. Rev. LAETITIA / TEMPORVM Ship in circus, between four quadrigae l.; in field l., cock standing r. and on r., bear. Beneath ship: lion and two tigers r., bull and tiger l. K...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 70 The Roman Empire Julia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus No.: 70 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 7500 d=21 mm Aureus circa 194, 7.17 g. IVLIA DO – MNA AVG Draped bust r. Rev. VENER – I – VICTR Venus standing r., leaning l. elbow on column, holding apple in r. hand and palm in l. RIC 536. BMC 47. C 193. Vagi 1775. Calicó 2641.Extre...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 71 The Roman Empire Julia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus No.: 71 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 25000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 201, 7.10 g. IVLIA – AVGVSTA Draped bust of Julia Domna r. Rev. AETERNIT IMPERI Confronted busts of Caracalla laureate, draped and cuirassed facing r. and Geta, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed facing l. Collecti...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 72 The Roman Empire Julia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus No.: 72 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 7500 d=21 mm Aureus circa 196-211, 7.22 g. IVLIA – AVGVSTA Draped bust r. Rev. VE –S – TA Vesta, veiled, seated l., holding palladium in r. hand and sceptre in l. RIC S. Severus 582. BMC 69. C 156. Calicó 2648 (this coin).Extremely fin...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 73 The Roman Empire Caracalla, 198-217 No.: 73 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 9000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 198, 7.10 g. IMP CAE M AVR ANT – AVG P TR P Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. MINER – VIC – TR – IX Minerva standing l., holding Victory and spear, at her feet, shield; in field r., trophy. RIC 25a. BMC 106. C 158. Calic...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 74 The Roman Empire Caracalla, 198-217 No.: 74 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 8000 d=22 mm Aureus circa 204, 7.03 g. ANTON P AVG – PON TR P VII Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. VICT – PART MAX Victoria advancing l., holding wreath and palm. RIC 78. BMC p. 249, note *. C –. Calicó 2843a.Extremely fine
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 75 The Roman Empire Caracalla, 198-217 No.: 75 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 10000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 210-213, 6.89 g. ANTONINVS – PIVS AVG BRIT Laureate head r. Rev. SECVRITATI PERPETVAE Securitas seated r., leaning her head on r. hand and holding sceptre in l.; at feet, altar. RIC 229a. BMC 101. C 575. Calicó 2813. A bold po...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 76 The Roman Empire Caracalla, 198-217 No.: 76 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 8000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 216, 6.47 g. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. P M TR P XVIIII COS IIII P P Serapis standing facing, head l., raising r. arm and holding sceptre in l. hand. Kent-Hirmer pl. 116, 408 (these dies). RI...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 77 The Roman Empire Geta Caesar, 198 – 209 No.: 77 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 16000 d=22 mm Aureus circa 200-202, 7.32 g. P SEPT GETA – CAES PONT Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. FELICITA – S PVBLICA Felicitas standing l., holding caduceus and cornucopiae. RIC 9b. BMC 220. C 37. Calicó 2881.Rare. Well struck on a v...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 78 The Roman Empire Geta Augustus, 209 – 211 No.: 78 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 6000 d=22 mm Aureus circa 211, 7.23 g. IMP CAES P SEPT – GETA PIVS AVG Laureate head r., with drapery on l. shoulder. Rev. VICTO – RIAE BRIT Victoria advancing r., holding trophy in r. hand over shoulder and leading captive by hand. RIC –. BMC –. C –...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 79 The Roman Empire Macrinus, 217 – 218 No.: 79 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 26000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 217-218, 6,71 g. IMP C M OPEL SEV – MACRINVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. FIDES MILITVM Fides standing facing, head r., holding standard in each hand. RIC 65. C 22. BMC 64. Calicó 2940a.Very rare. An attractiv...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 80 The Roman Empire Elagabalus, 218 – 222 No.: 80 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 26000 d=22 mm Aureus circa 218-222, 6.42 g. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Laureate and draped bust r., with horn. Rev. INVICTVS SACERDOS AVG Elagabalus, standing l., sacrificing out of patera over altar and holding branch in l. hand; in field l., star. RIC 86b. ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 81 The Roman Empire Severus Alexander, 222 – 235 No.: 81 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 6000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 228, 5.58 g. IMP C M AVR SEV – ALEXAND AVG Laureate and draped bust r. Rev. P M TR VI – C – OS I I P P Mars advancing r., holding spear and trophy. RIC 71d. BMC 451. C 331. Calicó 3115.Virtually as struck and almost Fdc
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 82 The Roman Empire Severus Alexander, 222 – 235 No.: 82 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 5500 d=21 mm Aureus circa 231-235, 7.08 g. IMP ALEXAN – DER PIVS AVG Laureate head r. Rev. LIBERA – LI – TAS AVG Liberalitas standing l., holding tessera and cornucopiae. RIC 242b. BMC 945 note. C 141 var. Calicó 3071.Good extremely fine
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 83 The Roman Empire Balbinus, April – June 238 No.: 83 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 55000 d=20 mm Aureus April-June 238, 5.18 g. IMP C D CAEL BALBINVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. VICTO – RIA AVGG Victoria standing facing, head l., holding wreath and palm. RIC 8. BMC 37. C 27. Vagi 2042. Calicó 3174.Of the highest...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 84 The Roman Empire Gordian III Augustus, 238 – 244 No.: 84 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 4500 d=20 mm Aureus circa 241-243, 5.12 g. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. AETER – NITAS AVG Sol, radiate, standing l., raising r. arm and holding globe in l. RIC 97. C 37. Vagi 2056. Calicó 3186.Good extr...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 85 The Roman Empire Gordian III Augustus, 238 – 244 No.: 85 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 4500 d=22 mm Aureus circa 241-243, 4.96 g. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. IOVI – STATORI Jupiter standing facing, head r., holding sceptre and thunderbolt. RIC 99. C 108. Calicó 3200.Good extremely fine
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 86 The Roman Empire Philip I, 244 – 249 No.: 86 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 20000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 246, 4.38 g. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. P M TR P III COS P P Felicitas standing l., holding caduceus and cornucopiae. RIC –, cf. 3 (antoninianus). C –,cf. 124 (antoninianus). Calicó 3254a ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 87 The Roman Empire Philip II Caesar, 244 – 247 No.: 87 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 20000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 245-246, 4.27 g. M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES Bare-headed and draped bust r. Rev. PRINCIPI I – VVENT Philip II, in military attire, standing l., holding globe in r. hand and spear in l. RIC 218a. C 46. Vagi 2124. Calicó 3275.Ext...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 88 The Roman Empire Philip II Augustus, 247 – 249 No.: 88 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 25000 d=22 mm Aureus circa 248, 4.90 g. IMP PHILIPPVS AVG Laureate and draped bust r. Rev. SAECVLARES AVGG Low column inscribed COS / II. RIC 225. C 77. Vagi 2133. Calicó 3279 (this coin). Exceedingly rare. An absolutely unobtrusive metal-fla...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 89 The Roman Empire Trajan Decius, 249 – 251 No.: 89 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 7500 d=21 mm Aureus circa 249-251, 4.35 g. IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG Laureate and cuirassed bust r. Rev. PANNONIAE The two Pannoniae, veiled and draped, standing to front, turning l. and r. away from one another, each holding signum outward. RIC 21...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 90 The Roman Empire Trajan Decius, 249 – 251 No.: 90 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 5500 d=21 mm Aureus circa 249-251, 4.43 g. IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG Laureate and cuirassed bust r. Rev. VBERITAS AVG Uberitas standing l., holding purse and cornucopiae. RIC 28. C 104. Calicó 3299. Extremely fine
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 91 The Roman Empire Herenna Etruscilla, wife of Trajan Decius No.: 91 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 5000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 249-251, 4.76 g. HER ETRVSCILLA AVG Diademed and draped bust r. Rev. PVDICITIA AVG Pudicitia, veiled, seated l., holding sceptre in l. hand and drawing veil with r. RIC 59a. C 18. Vagi 2195. Calicó 3308.Almo...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 92 The Roman Empire Herennius Hetruscus Caesar, 250 – 251 No.: 92 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 20000 d=20 mm Aureus circa 251, 3.44 g. Q HER ETR MES DECIVS NOB C Bare-headed and draped bust r. Rev. PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS Herennius Etruscus, in military attire, standing l., holding wand in r. hand and transverse spear in l. RIC 147a. C ...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 93 The Roman Empire Hostilian Caesar, 251 No.: 93 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 22500 d=20 mm Aureus circa 251, 4.57 g. C VALENS HOSTIL MES QVINTVS NC Bare-headed and draped bust r. Rev. PRINCIPI IVV – ENTVTIS Hostilian, in military attire, standing l., holding standard in r. hand and spear in l. RIC 182b. C 33. Vagi 2214. Calicó 3...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 94 The Roman Empire Trebonianus Gallus, 251 – 253 No.: 94 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 12500 d=24 mm Binio circa 251-253, 6.36 g. IMP CAE C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. FELICITAS PVBLICA Felicitas standing l., holding caduceus and cornucopiae. RIC 8. C 36. Calicó 3333.Very rare. Sharply struck on b...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 95 The Roman Empire Volusian, 251 – 253 No.: 95 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 12500 d=22 mm Binio, 5.95 g. IMP CAES C VIB VOLVSIANO AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. PIETAS AVGG Pietas standing l. with both hands raised; in field l., altar. RIC 151. C –. Calicó 3365. Very rare. Sharply struck on a broad flan and alm...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 96 The Roman Empire Uranius Antoninus, 253 – 254 No.: 96 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 18000 d=20 mm Aureus, Emesa circa 253-254, 5.90 g. L IVL AVR SVLP ANTONINVS Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. FE – CVND – ITAS AVG Fortuna standing l., holding rudder and cornucopiae. RIC 3 and pl. 15, 16 (these dies). C 3. H.R. Baldus,...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 97 The Roman Empire Valerian I, 253 – 260 No.: 97 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 10000 d=20 mm Aureus circa 253-254, 3.66 g. IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust r. Rev. IOVI CONSER – VATORI Jupiter standing l., holding thunderbolt and sceptre. RIC 37. C 91 var. (laureate only). Calicó 3421.Very rare. Extrem...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 98 The Roman Empire Gallienus, 253 – 268 No.: 98 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 5000 d=20 mm Aureus circa 254-255, 2.94 g. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS AVG Laureate and cuirassed bust r. Rev. IOVI CONSERV Jupiter standing l., holding thunderbolt and sceptre. RIC 76. C 350. Calicó 3515. An attractive portrait unusually well struck and ce...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 99 The Roman Empire Gallienus, 253 – 268 No.: 99 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 3000 d=20 mm Aueus circa 263-266, 1.87 g. GALLIENVS AVG Laureate head r. Rev. VBERITAS AVG Uberitas standing l., holding money bag in r. hand and cornucopiae in l. RIC 120. C 1007. Calicó 3594a. Slightly crinkled, otherwise extremely fine Ex Leu sale...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 100 The Roman Empire Gallienus, 253 – 268 No.: 100 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 12000 d=21 mm Aureus circa 266-267, 3.45 g. GALLIEN – VS P F AVG Head r., wearing wreath of reeds. Rev. VBI – QVE PA – X Victoria in fast biga r., holding reins in l. hand and whip in r. Kent-Hirmer pl. 132, 496. RIC 72. C 1018. Göbl 691. H. Huvelin a...
Date 26.10.2005
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Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 31, Lot 101 The Roman Empire Salonina, wife of Gallienus No.: 101 Schätzwert/Estimation: CHF 8000 d=18 mm Aureus circa 257-258, 2.26 g. SALONINA AVG Diademed and draped bust r. Rev. VENVS GENETRIX Venus standing l., holding apple and sceptre; at her l. feet, Cupid standing r. RIC 12. C 119. Calicó 3681 (this coin).Very rare. About extreme...
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