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Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 1 Coroplastic Bronze Age Terracotta Idol, ca. 1300 - 1000 BC; height cm 9,2, length cm 6,2. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 2 Coroplastic Etruscan Bucchero Mourner, ca. 650 - 630 BC; height cm 7,6; When in 1836 near Cerveteri the Regolini-Galassi tomb was discovered, thirty-three statuettes in bucchero clay were found inside, all of which are without feet so they could be inserted into the ground and arranged along the three sides of the bronze bed in the antechamber;...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 3 Coroplastic Etruscan Terracotta Big Portrait, 4th - 3rd century BC; height cm 29; A naturalistic terracotta head depicting a young girl, realized with an incredibly realistic visage comprised of open and delined shaped eyes, an aquiline nose, plumed lips, naturalistic ears. The young girl wears a smooth diadem, from which strands of wavy hair d...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 4 Coroplastic Etrusco-Campanian Terracotta Antefix, 5th century BC; height cm 17, length cm 16. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 5 Coroplastic Greek Terracotta Antefix with Acheloo, 5th - 4th century BC; height cm 16, length cm 22; Characterized by archaic style with almond shape eyes, pointed ears and rounded horns, which resembled the greek deity of Acheloo often depicted as a satyr with horns, in memory of his mythological transformation first in the bull and then in th...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 6 Coroplastic Greek Terracotta Antefix with Silenus, 5th - 4th century BC; height cm 17, length cm 18. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 7 Coroplastic Greek Terracotta Antefix with Goddess, 4th century BC; height cm 17,5, length cm 16,5; The antefix is partially restored on the left side. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 8 Coroplastic Greek Terracotta Female Statuette, 4th - 2nd century BC; height cm 14,8. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 9 Coroplastic Greek Hellenistic Terracotta Aphrodite, 3rd century BC; height cm 19, diam. (stand) cm 12,5; This is the representation of the "Birth of Aphrodite", a theme beloved in Classical time. The Goddess is emerging from an open scallop shell, she is depicted with her knees bent on a cylindrical plinth. She is naked and a cloak wraps part o...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 10 Coroplastic Greek Hellenistic Terracotta Eros, 2nd century BC; height cm 11,5; Very fine statuette of a winged Eros playing a lyre. The rich polychrome is still preserved. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 11 Coroplastic Greek Hellenistic Terracotta Young Herakles Strangling Snakes, 3rd century BC; height cm 9,5. Provenance: ex BFA, Auction 36, lot 9; private collection, London; formerly with Hôtel Drouot, Paris. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 12 Coroplastic Italic Terracotta Portrait, 4th - 3rd century BC; height cm 22; Intact. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 13 Coroplastic Italic Terracotta Portrait, 4th - 3rd century BC; height cm 25; Characterized by fleshy lips and almond-shaped eyes; the hair are rendering in short and wavy locks which fall over the forehead and behind the ears. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 14 Coroplastic Italic Terracotta Portrait, 3rd century BC; height cm 12. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 15 Coroplastic Italic Terracotta Phallus, 3rd - 2nd century BC; height cm 9, length cm 10. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 16 Coroplastic Italic Terracotta Foot, 4th - 3rd century BC; height cm 12,7, length cm 24. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 17 Coroplastic Italic Terracotta Pig, 3rd - 2nd century BC; height cm 7, length cm 10. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 18 Coroplastic Collection of Three Italic and Roman Terracotta Statuettes, 3rd - 2nd century BC; height max cm 13, min cm 5,4; Small moulded female head with floral tiara and radiated crown, with traces of restorations. Two standing female statuette, with veiled head. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in German...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 19 Coroplastic Greco-Roman Terracotta Statuette of Venus with Sphinx, 1st century BC - 1st century AD; height cm 21,6. Provenance: From the collection of a Diplomatic family since 1980s. cm 21,6 .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 20 Coroplastic Roman Cretula with Male Portrait resembling to Julius Caesar, 1st century BC - 1st century AD; diam. cm 4,5. Provenance: ex BFA E-Auction 29, lot 362. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 21 Coroplastic Group of Roman Ceramic Building Material, 1st - 3rd century AD; height max cm 15, diam. cm 22. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 22 Vessels and Lamps Villanovan Biconical Cinerary Urn, 9th - 8th century BC; height cm 40; One handle missing. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 23 Vessels and Lamps Villanovan Biconical Cinerary Urn, 9th - 8th century BC; height cm 34, diam. cm 19,5; With incised geometrical decoration; to be restored, some pieces missing. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 24 Vessels and Lamps Villanovan Impasto Bowl, 9th - 8th century BC; height cm 9,5, diam. cm 16. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 25 Vessels and Lamps Faliscan Skyphos with Incised Fantastic Beasts, 7th century BC; height cm 11,5, diam. cm 12,5; Restored by fragments, one handle missing. Provenance: English private collection, London. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 26 Vessels and Lamps Faliscan Oinochoe with Incised Decoration, 7th century BC; height cm 27; Incised decoration consists of two horses fronting each other, with a flower above each one; a Phoenician palmetta between the animals; stylized geometric patterns frame. Restored with some reconstructions. Provenance: English private collection, said to ...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 27 Vessels and Lamps Italo-Geometric Handled Situla, 8th - 7th century BC; height cm 24,7, diam. cm 16,5; An exceedingly rare shape for the period. Intact, few chipping on rim, lip and foot. Provenance: English private collection formed between 1970s and late 1990s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 28 Vessels and Lamps Italo-Geometric Olla with Water Birds, 8th - 7th century BC; height cm 21, diam. cm 13,5. Restored. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 29 Vessels and Lamps Italo-Geometric Olla, 8th - 7th century BC; height cm 20,4, diam. cm 12,5. Restored. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 30 Vessels and Lamps Italo-Geometric Skyphos, 8th - 7th century BC; height cm 11,4, diam. cm 13,4. Restored. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 31 Vessels and Lamps Italo-Geometric Olpe, 8th - 7th century BC; height cm 16,5, diam. cm 8,5. Restored, also a reparation in ancient time on the body. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 32 Vessels and Lamps Italo-Geometric Oinochoe, 8th - 7th century BC; height cm 27,5. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 33 Vessels and Lamps Etruscan Bucchero Oinochoe, 7th - 6th century BC; height cm 20,5; Restored rim. Provenance: English private collection; formerly in the collection of Dr. W.M., Schweinfurt 1970s - 1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 34 Vessels and Lamps Etruscan Bucchero Olpe, 7th - 6th century BC; height cm 18, diam. cm 7,8; Restored. Provenance: English private collection, bought before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 35 Vessels and Lamps Giant Etruscan Olla on Hight Foot, 6th century BC; height cm 40,3, diam. cm 17. Restored. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 36 Vessels and Lamps Giant Etruscan Globular Olla, 6th century BC; height cm 27, diam. cm 18; Restored, some missing pieces. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 37 Vessels and Lamps Etruscan Olla, 6th century BC; height cm 26, diam. cm 17. Provenance: English private collection, bought before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 38 Vessels and Lamps Etruscan Olla, 6th century BC; height cm 26, diam. cm 17,5. Provenance: English private collection, bought before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 39 Vessels and Lamps Etruscan Olla, 6th century BC; height cm 15, diam. cm 11,2. Provenance: English private collection, bought before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 40 Vessels and Lamps Big Etruscan Bowl, 6th century BC; height cm 14,5, diam. cm 20. Restored. Provenance: English private collection, bought before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 41 Vessels and Lamps Etruscan Olla, 6th century BC; height cm 18, diam. cm 19. Restored. Provenance: English private collection, bought before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 42 Vessels and Lamps Etruscan Olla, 6th century BC; height cm 17, diam. cm 15. Restored. Provenance: English private collection, bought before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 43 Vessels and Lamps Etruscan Olla, 6th century BC; height cm 18, diam. cm 12,8. Provenance: English private collection, bought before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 44 Vessels and Lamps Collection of Six Etruscan Impasto and Bucchero Vesseles, 7th - 6th century BC; height max cm 9, diam. max cm 14,3. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 45 Vessels and Lamps Collection of Four Etrusco-Corinthian Aryballoi, 7th century BC; height max cm 11,5; Very fine collection composed by one small piriform aryballos of the Proto-Corinthian manufacturing and three fusiform of the Etrusco-Corinthian one. All of them are characterized by the typical decorative element of the running dogs. Intacts,...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 46 Vessels and Lamps Big Etrusco-Corinthian Alabastron, 7th - 6th century BC; height cm 18; Painted in black and red, is decorated with a couple of confronting panthers flanking a large conjoined double lotus; the field is infilled overall with stylized rosettes. Restored. Provenance: English private collection. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 47 Vessels and Lamps Couple of Etrusco-Corinthian Kotylai, 7th - 6th century BC, height max 12, diam. max cm 18. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 48 Vessels and Lamps Etrusco-Corinthian Aryballos, 7th - 6th century BC; height cm 7,2. Provenance: English private collection, London. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 49 Vessels and Lamps Group of Four Etrusco-Corinthian Aryballoi, 7th - 6th century BC; height max cm 10,5. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 50 Vessels and Lamps Group of Three Etrusco-Corinthian Vessels, 7th - 6th century BC; height max cm 31 - min cm 6. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 51 Vessels and Lamps Etruscan Black-Figure Hydria, Attribuited to the Micali Painter, ca. 530 - 500 BC; height cm 48, diam. cm 21,5; The vase is decorated with mythological scenes and innovative and original secondary decorative elements. The main decoration consists of a sequence of four characters, among them is possible to recognized the God He...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 52 Vessels and Lamps Etruscan Black-Glazed Oinochoe with Beaked Spout, ca. 4th - 3rd century BC; height cm 26,5. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 53 Vessels and Lamps Couple of Greek Geometric Amphorae, 8th century BC; height max (with lid) cm 43, height max cm 39, diam. cm 14. Provenance: Collection returned by the German Judicial Authority to Herakles Numismatik und Antiquitäten GmbH (München), who acquired it on the European art market since the 1970s; from 2000s the entire collection is...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 54 Vessels and Lamps Corinthian Trefoil Oinochoe with Typhon, 600 - 550 BC; height cm 42; Large trefoil oinochoe, with double small wheels. The decoration is arranged in three main decorative bands with a sequece of wild animals and Typhon on centre. The secondary decoration consists of: stylized flowers on the neck and the rim; radiand elements f...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 55 Vessels and Lamps Laconian Black-Glazed Stirrup-Krater, Mid 6th century BC; height cm 32. Provenance: English private collection, acquired in the 1990s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 56 Vessels and Lamps Ionic kylix, 6th century BC; height cm 5,5, diam. cm 12. Provenance: English private collection, London. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 57 Vessels and Lamps Attic Black-Figure Band Kylix with Athletes, ca. 550 - 525 BC; height cm 13, diam. cm 22; Foot completely restored. Provenance: Property of a gentleman; acquired on the European art market between 1960s and 1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 58 Vessels and Lamps Attic Black-Figure Band Kylix with Animals, ca. 550 - 525 BC; height cm 13, diam. cm 20. Provenance: Property of a gentleman; acquired on the European art market between 1960s and 1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 59 Vessels and Lamps Attic Black-Figure Eye-Cup Kylix, Leafless Group, ca. 510 - 480 BC; height cm 8; diam. cm 19,5; With the main decoration, arranged on both external sides, consists of: the god Dionysus riding a mule between two big apotropaic eyes, followed by dancing satyrs; stylized vegetal shoots in the field; on the other side the same dec...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 60 Vessels and Lamps Attic Black-Figure Squat Skyphos, Little Masters Group, 510 - 500 BC; height cm 7,2, diam. cm 15; The main decoration consists of the god Dionysus, depicted seated, holding a rhyton, from whom two long garland depart. Palmettes with few leaves are arranged at the handles sides. Intact. Provenance: Property of an English fashio...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 61 Vessels and Lamps Attic Black-Figure Stemless Kylix, 5th century BC; height cm 6,5, diam. cm 19,7; With a bird arranged in the inner tondo, depicted in profile and inserts in a circle of rays. Intact. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 62 Vessels and Lamps Group of Eight Attic Red-Figure Fragments Possibly Related to The Pioneer Group, Early 5th century BC; length max cm 20 (foot) - min 7,5 (rim); Clearly fragments of one or two big kraters. Provenance: property of a Swiss Collector; with Oswald Burchard, Zurich, until 1983; formerly part of the M. Hess Collection (Hotel Jura, B...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 63 Vessels and Lamps Attic Red-Figure Fragment Possibly by the Nikoxenos Painter, ca. 500 BC; height cm 10, length cm 8,5; Very fine fragment depicting a chariot race. Standing on his racing chariot, the charioteer is depicted in a lively race. He clutches the reins of his mares with both his hands. Behind him, the other paws of the his rival char...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 64 Vessels and Lamps Large Attic Red-Figure Kylix, Manner near to the Proto-Panaitian Group, ca. 500 - 490 BC; height cm 11, diam. cm 29; Into the central tondo, delined by a single line, a standing youth moving toward the left, wearing a chlamys with a three-line border over his shoulder and red wreath, holding a basket and a bag; near the left b...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 65 Vessels and Lamps Attic Red-Figure Kylix Fragment in the Manner of Brygos Painter, 490-470 BC; length cm 16,5x10; Very fine fragment, with the depiction of a naked athlete, portrayed kneeling and holding a spear in his left hand. Provenance: Private collection, London; acquired in Brussels in 1994; formerly in an old German collection. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 66 Vessels and Lamps ATTIC RED-FIGURE COLUMN KRATER First Mannerists Group, 470 - 460 BC; height cm 37,5; diam cm 32; On one side there is the representation of the God Dionysus, depicted in a central position, moving to the right, holding a kantharos and a vine shoot. On his sides there are a satyr with a goat and a female figure playing the chi...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 67 Vessels and Lamps Attic Red-Figure Kylix, Attribuited to the Tarquinia Painter, ca. 470 - 460 BC; height cm 10, diam. cm 25; Into the inner tondo, inscribed in a continuos meander, two standing draped youngs, advance towards the center, with a suspended rod between them. On the external surface, a sequence of conversation scenes between handcuf...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 68 Vessels and Lamps Attic Red-Figure Kylix, Late 5th century BC; height cm 8,5, diam. max cm 23; With two draped youths in the central tondo; externally, tendrils below the handles, and three standing characters on each sides, consist of a central Maenad, put side by side two youths. Restored.Provenance: Private collection, London; acquired in Br...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 69 Vessels and Lamps Attic Red-Figure Lekythos, Manner of the Sabouroff Painter, ca. 470 - 440 BC; height cm 17; Young man with flower and staff, beside the inscription KALOS painted in white; on the shoulder palmette and tongues. Restored: the neck is modern, the mouth is ancient but not belonging to. Provenance: ex Gorny & Mosch, Auction 198, Mu...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 70 Vessels and Lamps Daunian Olla, ca. 550 - 400 BC; height cm 22,3, diam. cm 23,2; With deep funnel-shaped rim, restored. Provenance: Private collection, London; acquired on the European art market in the 1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 71 Vessels and Lamps Daunian Olla, ca. 550 - 400 BC; height cm 28, diam. cm 21; Sporadic lack of color and a chip on the rim. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 72 Vessels and Lamps Daunian Trefoil Oinochoe, ca. 550 - 400 BC; height cm 17. Provenance: Private collection, London; acquired on the European art market in the 1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 73 Vessels and Lamps Daunian Kyathos, ca. 550 - 400 BC; height cm 13,3, diam. cm 16,2; Restoration on the handle. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 74 Vessels and Lamps Daunian Stemless Kylix, ca. 550 - 400 BC; height cm 15,5, diam. cm 9; Sporadic lack of color. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 75 Vessels and Lamps Daunian Jug, ca. 550 - 400 BC; height cm 13,5, diam. cm 10. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 76 Vessels and Lamps Group of Three Daunian Jugs, ca. 550 - 400 BC; height max cm 13, diam. max cm 9,5. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 77 Vessels and Lamps Daunian Askos, ca. 400 - 350 BC; height cm 11, diam. cm 4; Very nice small askos, is a shape of a stylized bird. Rare shape, abrasion on back. Provenance: Private collection, London; acquired in Brussels from Alara Gallery on 1994; formerly in an old German collection (Düsseldorf). .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 78 Vessels and Lamps Big Messapian Double Spouted Askos, 4th - 3rd century BC; height cm 27. Provenance: Private collection, London; acquired on the European art market in the 1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 79 Vessels and Lamps Messapian Askos, 4th - 3rd century BC; height cm 10,5, diam. cm 5. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 80 Vessels and Lamps Messapian Ovoid Krater, 4th - 3rd century BC; height cm 16,5, diam. cm 15. Characterized by two vegetal branches, which run on the body, alternately arranged to full colored bands. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 81 Vessels and Lamps Messapian Cup-Skyphos, 4th - 3rd century BC; height cm 11, diam. cm 10; Characterized by vertical petals on the rim, a vegetal branch on the body, followed by three full-colored bands. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 82 Vessels and Lamps Messapian Jug, 4th - 3rd century BC; height cm 22. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 83 Vessels and Lamps Messapian Kalathos, 4th - 3rd century BC; height 15, diam. cm 21. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 84 Vessels and Lamps Messapian Dish-Plate with Concentric Circles, 4th - 3rd century BC; diam. cm 19,5; With suspension holes. Intact. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 85 Vessels and Lamps Messapian Dish-Plate with Concentric Circles, 4th - 3rd century BC; diam. cm 19,5; With suspension holes. Intact. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 86 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Red-Figure Oinochoe with Chariotman, Near to the Varrese Painter workshop, ca. 360 - 340 BC; height cm 35; Elegant oinochoe with the depiction of a biga race. A naked young man, with a draper only around his flanks is depicted riding a biga with two horses. The representation expresses an intensity of running and movem...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 87 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Red-Figure Panathenaic Amphora, Mid 4th century BC; height cm 37, diam. cm 10; The main decoration consists of: on both main side, a female head, in profile, with a sakkos with radiant elements, earrings and necklace. The secondary decorative patterns are composed by: large palmettes and tendrils under the handles; a w...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 88 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Red-Figure Kantharos Attribuited to the Kantharos Group, ca. 325 - 300 BC; height cm 20, diam. cm 12; Intact, only a minor chipping on lip. Provenance: English private collection; formerly in the collection of Dr. W.M., Schweinfurt 1970s - 1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 89 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Red-Figure Pyxis with Nike, Second half of 4th century BC; height cm 20, diam. cm 12,5; Intact. Provenance: English private collection; formerly in the collection of Dr. W.M., Schweinfurt 1970s - 1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 90 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Red-Figure Oinochoe, 4th century BC; height cm 14,5; With a female head in profile, adorned with jewellery. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 91 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Red-Figure Small Olpe, 4th century BC; height cm 10,5, diam. cm 6. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 92 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Red-Figure Lekanis with Lid, 4th century BC; height cm 9, diam. cm 8,8. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 93 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Red-Figure Lekanis Lid, 4th century BC; height cm 5, diam. cm 10. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 94 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Red-Figure Lebes Gamikos, 4th century BC; height max cm 16. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 95 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Net-Pattern Lekythos, 4th century BC; height cm 19,3, diam. cm 4,3; Small restoration on the foot, and a minor abrasion on back. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 96 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Stemless Kylix in Gnathia Style, 4th century BC; height cm 6,5, diam. cm 14; Characterized by a central white swan, in profile, inscribed in multiple circles in red and white colors. Under the rim, a stylized tendrils. Intact, with minor cooking crack. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs poss...
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 97 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Pelike in Gnathia Style, 4th century BC; height cm 21, diam. cm 8; with a female head is depicted in profile to the left and is framed by vegetal girals. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 98 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Skyphos in Gnathia Style, 4th century BC; height cm 9, diam. cm 7,8; One handle missing. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 99 Vessels and Lamps Apulian Cup-Skyphos in Gnathia Style, 4th century BC; height cm 6, diam. cm 7,7. Provenance: English private collection, according to the heirs possibly purchased in some auction or Art Gallery during 1970s-1980s. .
Date 22.09.2020
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Bertolami Fine Arts, E-Auction 88, Lot 100 Vessels and Lamps Couple of Apulian Cup-Skyphoi in Gnathia Style, 4th century BC; height cm 6,5, diam. cm 10,5; Sporadic chippings; one handle missing. Provenance: English private collection, acquired by the current owner in Germany before 2000s. .
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